Préparez votre journée aux Universités d’Été de l’Économie de Demain (UED) 2024
Les clés pour tout comprendre : synthèse du podcast avec Caroline Neyron Plongez dans les moments forts de notre dernier podcast, parfait pour préparer votre journée aux Universités d’Été de l’Économie de Demain (UED) du 28 août 2024 à la Cité Universitaire Internationale de Paris, Santiago Lefebvre, Président fondateur de ChangeNOW, reçoit Caroline Neyron, Directrice […]
Setting the Bar High: Shifting the Sports Industry
Key Insights from ChangeNOW 2024 on Sports This July, as Paris prepares to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games, sports enthusiasts are focusing on the City of Light. Despite its vast influence, the sports industry lags in the social and ecological transition. Ultra-trailer Kilian Jornet, holder of multiple world records and world champion titles, stated: […]
Restoring Our Roots: Soil Preservation and Regeneration
KEY INSIGHTS FROM CHANGENOW 2024 ON SUSTAINABLE SOIL MANAGEMENT FOR A RESILIENT FUTURE Agriculture today is often presented as the biggest problem for climate change: it is the first contributor to water usage, deforestation and biodiversity loss, and intensive farming practices have damaged soils to the point that one third of the world’s arable land […]
By sharing practices and joining forces, we can be best for the world, together – Clara Bardiau
Today, we, B Lab & ChangeNOW, would like to invite you to join our ecosystems. Companies, whether you are committed, in transition, questioning, motivated, lacking tools or networks: you are not alone. Join us in building a regenerative and inclusive economy that works for everyone.
The strength of a cross-sector community working towards achieving the same goal has an immense value – Belinda Christine Borck
Today, we, B Lab & ChangeNOW, would like to invite you to join our ecosystems. Companies, whether you are committed, in transition, questioning, motivated, lacking tools or networks: you are not alone. Join us in building a regenerative and inclusive economy that works for everyone.
Let’s amplify our respective social and environmental commitments – Alexandre Mars
Today, we, B Lab & ChangeNOW, would like to invite you to join our ecosystems. Companies, whether you are committed, in transition, questioning, motivated, lacking tools or networks: you are not alone. Join us in building a regenerative and inclusive economy that works for everyone.
“Towards impact and beyond” : ChangeNOW & B Lab invite you to join their communities!
Today, we, B Lab & ChangeNOW, would like to invite you to join our ecosystems. Companies, whether you are committed, in transition, questioning, motivated, lacking tools or networks: you are not alone. Join us in building a regenerative and inclusive economy that works for everyone.
“Every degree matters” : the best cure to climate anxiety is climate action!
On Thursday, March 11th, ChangeNOW joined forces with Procter & Gamble to co-host a Live Talk with a multi-stakeholders panel. An approach in the DNA of ChangeNOW.
The Grand Palais Ephemere – Theater of change
A reusable, eco-designed building, the Grand Palais Ephemere will be the venue for many major events held in Paris, starting with ChangeNOW in 2021.