
The 2022 ranking of the best schools to change the world is out!

The annual ranking of the best schools to change the world is out! Discover the best French schools to train in environmental and social transition issues. We believe schools have a pivotal role in building a sustainable world. Marketing, finance, sciences… The courses are analyzed transversal, not limiting ourselves to specialized courses in sustainable development.

The ranking is based on a questionnaire sent to higher education schools that Deloitte France has independently audited on six criteria families:

  • Integration of impact issues into the program
  • The strength of the alumni network in the impact sector
  • The institution’s strategy and exemplarity
  • Diversity and equal opportunities
  • Involvement of student associations in impact issues
  • Academic excellence and employability


Thank you to the 58 participating schools, all of which are working to address environmental and societal issues. Helping, teaching, and training the next generation in impact and transition professions is crucial.

Find out more about the school ranking genesis : 



Discover the full ranking on Les Echos Start