Our planet is changing, and the world needs to change with it. And it all starts with governance.
Santiago Lefebvre along with Yamina Saheb published a tribune denouncing the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) in the world renown newspaper Le Monde.
The ECT is a complicated name for an agreement that allows energy companies to sue a state if it changes their laws to facilitate a rapid exit from fossil fuels.
To fully understand this treaty, “imagine a world where major cigarette brands would receive billions of euros in compensation from the state – and therefore taxpayers – on the grounds that the state decided to ban smoking in public places.” Well, this charter makes that possible in the energy world…
This treaty is one of the major obstacles to the Paris Agreement. It should be one of the first things to stop.
ChangeNOW is a social enterprise that accelerates the environmental and social transition.
ChangeNOW communities is a non-profit association governed by the French law of 1901. Its aim is to facilitate and organize educational, artistic, cinematographic or scientific projects of general interest that promote the protection of the natural environment. N°RNA : W942010521