
Circular Economy


Less, Better, Longer. The circular economy consists of preserving and regenerating resources by reducing waste through virtuous loops. The occurrence of the Earth Overshoot Day, which marks the point in the year when humanity exhausts the planet’s annual ecological resources, has been degrading each year. A circular economy would allow for much better management of our resources and also extend its fruits to the environmental and social impacts of our consumption patterns.

  • 2 planets Every year, we consume more than 2 planets, or 2 times the resources the planet can produce in 1 year to regenerate its consumption or absorb carbon dioxide.
  • > 90% of extracted materials are either wasted, lost or remain unavailable for reuse for years, as only 7.2% of the global economy is circular in 2023. The situation has worsened since 2018, where is was 9.1%.
  • 2x less CO2 could be released in the atmosphere by 2030  in Europe, if Europe transitions to a circular economy

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